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Showing posts from September, 2019

Finding New Love

Finding new love is not as easy as most people would think. It takes time, prayer and patience to achieve this goal. There is no formula to finding new love, just a path that you walk down with your potential mate. The best advice for people who are new to this path is to take your new journey slow. Trying to speed through this path could lead to mistakes being made and ending up with the right person at the wrong time. What I mean by the right person at the wrong time is sometimes we are not ready emotional or physically to receive that person. That decision could lead to some problems down the line with building a connection with that person.  So, the the best advice would be to make sure you work on yourself first and than work towards your new love second. You will find when you meet that next person, your mind, body and spirit will be ready to receive them. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


Motivation is a word we use to describe that thing that pushes us to achieve specific actions. What motivates you ??? What is that person, place, or goal that motivates you to push forward? Ask yourself that question everyday and let the answer encourage you to chase your dreams. Life is full of situations that will block you from achieving the things that motivate you. My advice is to not let these situations stop you from pushing towards your goals. Remember what motivates you as you go thoughout your day and use that thought to push yourself harder. If you do that, one day you realize with prayer, patience and motivation, ANYTHING is possible. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


When you set a goal in your mind, how do  you plan to achieve your goal? That is the number one question you should ask yourself when you are planning your next steps. Sometimes when you have dreams and goals, starting the process to make them reality can be scary.  It's the whole not knowing if it will work out or not that is the fear. What you have to realize is not going for your goals is the biggest failure. You must realize that you are alot stronger than you believe and that you can do all things with the help of the Lord that strengthens you. So, don't worry about the fears you may have, just make a plan and execute your plan. Believe in your goals and wake everyday chasing it. You will find out one day that you have succeed. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Finding your mate

I believe finding your mate comes down to you knowing what you want out of life for yourself. If you don't know what you want or don't want, how do you expect to build something with someone else. When you meet someone, being open about what you are looking for isn't a bad topic of conversation, but I would also say that there is a time and place for everything. Communication is big when your dating or when your in a relationship because it is the foundation of a lasting relationship. So, dont be afraid to communicate your expectations and talk about it with your mate. After that, decide your next steps but at least you have been open and honest about your thoughts.  Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Building a stronger relationship

There are so many different ways to building a stronger relationship but which way is the right way is the question. Experts would say improved communication is the answer and guess what they wouldn't been wrong. Having a relationship where communication is first and physical is second only makes the physical better. Knowing you partner better emotionally only makes your partnership better and your connection stronger. Be patient and learn your partner like you learn your phone and a better relationship you will have. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching