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Showing posts from December, 2019

Being a leader

When you hear the word leader, what meanings comes to mind for you???? Whether you 're a leader at a small business or a large company, being a leader is a hard job. Now please don't get the word leader confused with being a boss. Those definitions are two different things and they mean two different things for the people who are in those positions. A boss by definition is" a person in charge of a worker or organization." A leader is" the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country." When you look at those two things in relation to what your title is now, being in charge is very difficult. The main point to the story is strive everyday to become a great leader no matter where you work at. When you are a great leader, it encourages others to be great, and reach their full potential. Good leaders sometimes make excuses, Great leaders find ways to solve problems. Be the leader you can be and be the leader your people need you to be. Thank you...


If you didn't know, life is always about the moments that we experience daily. These moments we experience are priceless and sometimes memorable. It's like when someone you love has a birthday or special day that you move everything in your schedule to be with them that day. There are also moments that you create and moments that are created for you. Each moment in life you have is a once in a life time moment. You should make sure you are aware of those moments and try your best to live in that moment. Experience it and make it memorable for yourself. Life is full of moments, so enjoy life and be happy doing so. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Vision Board

Vision Board, do you have one??? You should because it can provide you with clear goals for your future. A vision board is more than just something you write down one time and than place in a corner. It is a combination of all of your hopes, dreams and prayers written down for you to see. Speaking of prayer, it will take alot of consistent prayer and faith to manifest your vision. Despite what this world throws at you, You must stay consistent and driven by your vision for your life. Review your board, note book or tablet often along with praying daily for these visions to come true for you, if it is His will. Get up everyday thankful and motivated to go out to achieve your vision. If you do that, you will see in a year's time how many of your visions came to pass.   Thank you  jdwilliamscoaching

Age vs. Wisdom

Their is no age limit to how much wisdom a person could have. Now being wise and being educated is two different things. Being wise is something that you are born with and develops over time. Being educated is more of being taught by someone or yourself to learn about subject matters. Sometimes it's easy for adults to say that people that are younger than them are not wise because of their age. Sometimes you will find that being wise does not have an age limit and that sometimes the best wisdom can come from someone younger. Being wise and sharing your wisdom with others is your gift. Helping others with your wisdom can be freeing and can be a blessing to others around you. In life don't be afraid to embrace your wisdom. You are smarter and wiser than you think. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


Discovering your purpose in life is not as easy as you would think. It takes some time and alot of patience to achieve. The word purpose is a powerful word which means "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists". Finding your purpose will help you realize who you truly are and help you find out who you are meant to be. To be honest, their is no age limit to finding your purpose. The main thing is when you do finally realize what your purpose is and what your meant to be, you will realize your true calling.  thank you, jdwilliamscoachingandconsulting

Down for you

Is the person your with down for you? That is a question you should truly consider. If your dating or in a relationship, finding out if that person is with you no matter what is important. When a person is truly with you, they don't care what you have or what you do. They would only care about who you are to them in their life. They would not worry about going out, buying new things, or going on expensive trips. They will only be concerned about spending time with you anywhere you are. The simple presence of your company is enough for them to make them happy. When you find that person that will live in a box with you if they had to, you have really found the one. When a person says that they would live in a box with you and really mean it, that gives you a special feeling. There are not too many people out there that are truly down for you and not just down for material things of this world. So many people are materialistic and are all about things and not about people. Finding som...

Accepting Ownership

Accepting Ownership of problems that exist in a relationship is the hardest thing to do for some people. No one wants to admit that they are wrong for something that happened in the relationship. That's one of the biggest things that could cause a problem in a relationship.  If no one wants to admits fault, how do you work towards a resolution. Issues not addressed quickly lead to bigger issues down the line because the issue that started the chain of events wasn't address. There is nothing wrong with owning your wrongdoings in a relationship. If the person really knows you and respects you, they will accept your apology. They will not continue to punish you for whatever thing that was done wrong. The thing about an apology is that the issue can't keep happening over and over again. If it does, it makes the other person believe that you are not serious about change. Be consistent in fixing whatever went wrong and communicate when things may be headed back to a bad direction...

Loving her mind

These days it is easy for man to fall for a cute smile and nice body. With the way that people are pertraded today in society, it only makes it easier for someone to meet the wrong person. It all boils down to the connection that you have with someone new. My advice is try loving their mind first and there body second. When you try loving their mind first, you will find out more about the person that you may like or cause you to run away quickly. It gives you the opportunity to make a deeper connection than just the physical. Loving a person's mind these days could be a challenge because everyone likes something good to look at. That is a preference that both men and women are guilty of from time to time. Although this is an issue, challenge yourself to be better than most people. Challenge yourself to love their mind and you will find out if that person is worth your time or not. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Friend's Matter

If you've every had those friend's in life that really seem like family, you truly are blessed. It is hard these days to find and keep friends around that you can trust. These days most people are about their  own problems and don't want to deal with yours. That's why if you are lucky enough to have those types of friends in your life, appreciate them for being there for you. With your family being your family, good friends are hard to come by. If you have those friend's, check on them with a phone call or text. Stop by there house to see them and hang out with them. Treat them like your family if they are your friend not an associate. A friend and an associate are two different people to you. A friend will always have your back no matter what and an associate will have your back when it is convenient for them. So remember to choose carefully who you let into your life because good friends are hard to come by. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching