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Showing posts from June, 2020

People Pleaser

Being a person that takes care of others is never a bad thing. However, from a relationship standpoint, it could be either a plus or a minus. The reason I say this is because a person has to have the right partner to reciprocate that feeling in return. There is Not a such thing as one person in the relationship totally cartering to the other unless that is decided before hand. If that turns into the expectation, that means that person wants a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, one person dictates and the other doesn't get much, if any, 'weigh in' on the decision made. When that starts happening, you start feeling like you are being used and not appreciated for the value you provide to the relationship. From a relationship perspective, everyone's opinion is valid and matters. It's called a relationship and you can't sustain a relationship without the other person participating. Otherwise, you could be 'single' for a lack of better word. In that ...


Pushing yourself to have a next level mindset is critical to future success. Having a next level mind set will motivate you when times are good and when times get hard in life. Success does not come easy to anyone, so having a mindset that looks towards the future is beneficial. When you have this mindset, your drive, energy, walk, and talk has to match your mindset. Pushing yourself to be greater than you were yesterday must be a daily montra for yourself. Being consistent with this mindset will not be easy because there are so many different challenges in our lives on a daily basis. You have to create yourself a routine around your new mindset and hold tight to the change you have accomplished so far. If you do that and have faith, nothing can stop you from achieving your life's goals. Thank you JDWilliamsCoaching Learn More

The Test

When your on the road to becoming a better person and really start practicing self improvement, you will be tested. What I mean by tested is that people like your friends, family, co workers and strangers will test your resolve to you changing your life. For the most part, they will not do this on purpose, but it will still happen just the same. After that, the real fun will start, the situations in the world will start testing you. At that moment when you feel like everything and everyone is coming at you all at once, be fearless. You have to believe that you are stronger and more powerful than you know. That stuff you are experiencing is pushing you to your greatness. With faith in God and faith in your process to change your life, you will get there. You are closer to your breakthrough moment than you think.  Thank you  JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting Click link below

Lover and Friend

At the end of the day, every man wants and needs that lover and friend. That person to talk to when times are hard, and that person that will ride, when you need them to. Having that lover and friend in your life gives you a peace of mind that most people would not understand. Every man needs to have that ride or die woman in there life to support them though struggles and successes, whether we admit it or not. What that person provides means more than money, more than statics, more than things, if you have the right person. A lover and friend is that half of yourself that you know you will miss when they are not there. That person that leaves a void that can not be filled by no one else but them. Most men wouldn't admit that the right lover and friend in your life is everything.  Thank you JdwilliamsCoaching Click this link