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Showing posts from August, 2020

Meet There Needs

From a relationship standpoint, each individual in the relationship has specific needs that have to be met for that person to feel satisfied in there relationship. Most times through conversation, these needs can be discussed in a relationship on a daily or weekly basis. The issue with those needs that are being discussed is if each person needs are realistic to achieve. Sometimes but not always, unrealistic expectations can come up in conversations that have to be compromised on. Compromise is the key word because without it communication can not happen successfully. Not everyone is going to agree on the needs and desires of the individual person there with. That's why compromise is so important because whether you agree or not, some type of solution has to happen to maintain the happiness of both parties. Thank you, JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting Learn More

Who do you trust?

Who do you trust when you have trust issues? Do you trust yourself or do you trust the person you are with? Do you trust your family or do you trust your friends? Who do you trust is always going to be the questions until you start resolving those trust issues. Those types of issues don't go away unless you truly are ready. The next question would be how do you know when your ready? The answer is simple, you're ready when you notice that your trust issues have started to affect yourself or the one's you love around you. That's when you know you're ready to make a change in your life. Only you can recognize when you're ready to start the process of healing, so be patient with yourself. Just know that any issue in life has to be addressed eventually. Thank you, JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting   Learn More

Challenge The Fear

Today is the day to challenge the fear of being successful in your life and relationships. Success in any form is not going to be handed to you and there are going to be some tough times ahead. If you are pursuing anything of value, you have to be ready to challenge that fear of the unknown for the betterment of your life. In life, there are going to be feelings and emotions connected to every decision that you want to make for your life. Those feelings and emotions can cause fear to set in that can halt your progress forward. I want to encourage you to challenge the fear in each area of your life and realize that on the other side of that fear is success. Start by taking one step at a time because things don't change overnight. Success is possible if you want it more than you need to sleep. Thank you, Joshua Williams Learn More

The Truth Behind The Lies

The truth behind the lies could occur when someone says that there is nothing wrong after you have a major argument in your relationship. Sometimes there are unsaid things that are in relationships because one person says that they just don't want to hurt the other person by telling them the truth. What you fail to realize is you're causing them more hurt by holding back your feelings from them. Relationships work well when both parties openly talk to each other, even when you don't want to talk. That emotional connection with your partner survives on the communication you supply that emotional connection with your partner. Withholding that information can cause a person to assume how you really feel about them and the situations that occur in your relationship. Assumptions can't live in your relationship. They have no place there and have to be removed daily. The truth behind the lies happens when  you tell your partner a small truth, that isn't the complete truth ...

Pride To The Side

When it comes to communication in relationships being prideful, stubborn and bull headed are all words that can cause conversations to go nowhere. In the moment, it is easier to be these things around your partner because you're mad, but eventually arguments about the same topics gets old. At the end of the day, someone has to be the person to say let's solve this issue and it can't be the same person every time that gives in. Both parties have to know when to stop arguing and work on finding a solution together. In relationships, There is no such thing as one person winning and the other person losing. If you really find the time to think about it, both of you are either going to win together or lose apart. Don't be to prideful to admit when your wrong and continue not accepting the other person's opinions. That only leads to more conversations going no where. Put your pride to the side and keep winning together. Thank you, jdwilliamscoaching Learn More ...