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Showing posts from August, 2021

Dream Bigger

When you consider your dreams and goals for your life, do you consider if they are big enough? When you tell people about what you want to do for your life, some people are going to support you. Others in your life may question you about your dreams and tell you that you should not do it. Your dreams are what it sounds like, Your Dreams. It's not for other people to understand or support them. That's okay because the reason you dream is because you want something different or better for your life. Your dreams can be as big as your imagination can take you, but if your effort to reach your dream isn't present then all you really have is that, A Dream . Your passion, consistency, and faith must drive you daily towards your dreams because your dreams aren't going to magically come true for you. Your dreams can be as big as you want them to be, but be prepared to put in the work for those dreams to become your reality. Thank you, JDWILLIAMSCOACHINGANDCONSULTING LEARN MORE

Intentional Life

Living your life intentionally is not an easy feat. You have to plan, focus, prioritize and sacrifice at times to achieve it. Living your life intentionally means that you are doing something everyday to get better and move forward in life. The problem with living your life with intention is life happens to you. When things or people in your path create road blocks to prevent you from moving forward, sometimes that can be demotivating. When you get demotivated, your focus is not on the plan you set. Your mind is on how you going to get started on your process again. Living your life intentionally is not saying things won't happen. It's saying that no matter what happens in your day, you are going to prioritize at least one step or task a day towards your goal. Live your life with intention and enjoy your journey. You will find that you are closer to your goal than you think. Thank you, JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting LEARN MORE

What's Your Intentions Towards Them?

In most relationships, you start off with a very strong connection and once the honeymoon stage leaves the real work starts. That, my friend, is were intentions come into playing for the person your with. Ask yourself if your daily acts show your partner that they are your priority? Ask yourself are you intentional about about your partner's needs, even if there has to be a compromise or further discussions. Are you intentional about your relationship daily? If you are, keep it up! If you're not, what's your plan to create solutions? Finding solutions, problem solving and teamwork are the building blocks of a strong relationship. Each party in the relationship needs to be heard by the other person to create lasting happiness. Making your relationship intentional starts with you and not your partner. Each party must do their part in the intentions of the relationship. So, when you ask yourself the question, "Do I make intentional decisions to grow the relationship daily...

What's Your Routine

What does your daily routine look like? Does your routine add to the vision that you have for your life? Take a look at your routine or the things you do on a daily basis. Does it help you get to where you want to be for your life or does it hold you back? What you do daily and consistently has an effect on how soon you will reach your goals. If you notice there are a lot of people that talk about wanting more for themselves, but do their daily activities match there words? Achieving any dream or goal isn't easy. It takes time, patience, self discipline and consistency. No one is going to hand you your dreams and goals on a sliver plate. You have to work towards your goals daily in order to reach them. The biggest thing that people forget to do is to enjoy the journey along the way. The journey to achieving your goals is different for everyone, but no less exciting at times. My advice for you is to create a strong daily routine that can help you reach where you want to be in life a...