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Showing posts from 2020

Achieving Your Goals

Achieving your goals for your life is not as easy as it sounds, most times. When you have a dream, vision or goal for your life what do you do with those ideas?? That's the next thing to figure out is how do you reach your goal when all you have is the idea. Whatever your goal is, you have to be 100% sure that you are invested in achieving it. What I mean by invested is that you have made this goal a priority in your daily and weekly life. That is simply the only way you're going to reach whatever goal you set for your life. The road to reaching your goal is not going to be easy, or fun. It's going to be difficult most times, but that's when you will discover the most about yourself. You will start to discover what you are made of and if you really are truly committed to your goal. You're will to finish must kick in to push you over the finish line. No matter what happens, hold on to thought of your goal and push yourself daily to achieve it. You are much closer to ...

Insecurities in Relationships

There are several reasons why a person would be insecure within a relationship. Sometimes it's issues within self and other times the relationship can create insecurities for you. Determining the difference is key to reducing complications in relationships and increasing productivity among each other. Sometimes when a person is insecure about something, it could cause them to over react to situations or blame the other person for things that may not be factual. Sometimes it could cause a person to question themselves, their judgement, and their decision making abilities. This level of insecurity doesn't simply go away on its own without identifying the root cause of these feelings. Most times a self evaluation is needed to determine if this is something that can be worked on within yourself or is it something that you need help with from your partner. Sometimes individual issues that are brought into a relationship are more destructive than couple issues that are created by the...

Perfect Match

When you're looking for a life partner, is it possible to find that perfect match for you? I believe that it is if you consider that love is blind. Real love knows no boundaries, no race, no sex, and no physical type. That perfect match for you is that feeling you get inside of your soul that is genuine. It feels like you have a connection with that person that definitely is unlike anything you have ever experienced before with anyone. At first you're going to second guess yourself and say that these feelings aren't real. You're also going to think that this person is playing games with you. What you're going to have to realize is that sometimes your feelings, emotions, and thoughts can mislead you. It's okay for you to feel all those feelings in that moment when you have met someone unlike anyone else. The best advice you can give yourself in that moment is to breathe, focus, and embrace that moment. When you don't do those things you can potentially miss w...

What's your Why?

What's your why? There are many reasons a person gets up in the morning to go work, school, workout and etc. What's your why? What is the main reason you get up and go hard everyday to meet your goals? That is a question that must be answered to continue to do whatever you're doing now. Knowing those reasons keep you motivated when you're sleepy, and don't want to do anything, when you're hurt or sore. It's what keeps you going when your sick and don't feel well. It's your why that gives you that year - round boost to push forward when others stop. Challenge yourself to know your why because knowing it helps you continue to be the best version of yourself daily. Thank you, JDWILLIAMSCOACHINGANDCONSULTING Thank you, JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting

Pro-Active Marriage

Living in a pro-active marriage means that both parties are actively seeking to improve the relationship and marriage daily. There is nothing like having a partner that is just as interested in you as you are in them. They see that there are realistic needs that you request and are actively trying to make those things happen for you. When problems happen in marriage, it is easy to look at the other person to solve the problem then to just work together on a solution. No matter what the issue is in marriage, what effects one person, effects both people eventually. That's why being pro-active about the other party's realistic needs is so super important. What I mean by realistic needs is that some things we request are more wants than needs. Wants tend to be things that can be worked on over a period of time but needs are things that need more immediate action or it could hurt the relationship. Have a conversation with yourself first to determine if what you requested is a want o...

Meet There Needs

From a relationship standpoint, each individual in the relationship has specific needs that have to be met for that person to feel satisfied in there relationship. Most times through conversation, these needs can be discussed in a relationship on a daily or weekly basis. The issue with those needs that are being discussed is if each person needs are realistic to achieve. Sometimes but not always, unrealistic expectations can come up in conversations that have to be compromised on. Compromise is the key word because without it communication can not happen successfully. Not everyone is going to agree on the needs and desires of the individual person there with. That's why compromise is so important because whether you agree or not, some type of solution has to happen to maintain the happiness of both parties. Thank you, JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting Learn More

Who do you trust?

Who do you trust when you have trust issues? Do you trust yourself or do you trust the person you are with? Do you trust your family or do you trust your friends? Who do you trust is always going to be the questions until you start resolving those trust issues. Those types of issues don't go away unless you truly are ready. The next question would be how do you know when your ready? The answer is simple, you're ready when you notice that your trust issues have started to affect yourself or the one's you love around you. That's when you know you're ready to make a change in your life. Only you can recognize when you're ready to start the process of healing, so be patient with yourself. Just know that any issue in life has to be addressed eventually. Thank you, JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting   Learn More

Challenge The Fear

Today is the day to challenge the fear of being successful in your life and relationships. Success in any form is not going to be handed to you and there are going to be some tough times ahead. If you are pursuing anything of value, you have to be ready to challenge that fear of the unknown for the betterment of your life. In life, there are going to be feelings and emotions connected to every decision that you want to make for your life. Those feelings and emotions can cause fear to set in that can halt your progress forward. I want to encourage you to challenge the fear in each area of your life and realize that on the other side of that fear is success. Start by taking one step at a time because things don't change overnight. Success is possible if you want it more than you need to sleep. Thank you, Joshua Williams Learn More

The Truth Behind The Lies

The truth behind the lies could occur when someone says that there is nothing wrong after you have a major argument in your relationship. Sometimes there are unsaid things that are in relationships because one person says that they just don't want to hurt the other person by telling them the truth. What you fail to realize is you're causing them more hurt by holding back your feelings from them. Relationships work well when both parties openly talk to each other, even when you don't want to talk. That emotional connection with your partner survives on the communication you supply that emotional connection with your partner. Withholding that information can cause a person to assume how you really feel about them and the situations that occur in your relationship. Assumptions can't live in your relationship. They have no place there and have to be removed daily. The truth behind the lies happens when  you tell your partner a small truth, that isn't the complete truth ...

Pride To The Side

When it comes to communication in relationships being prideful, stubborn and bull headed are all words that can cause conversations to go nowhere. In the moment, it is easier to be these things around your partner because you're mad, but eventually arguments about the same topics gets old. At the end of the day, someone has to be the person to say let's solve this issue and it can't be the same person every time that gives in. Both parties have to know when to stop arguing and work on finding a solution together. In relationships, There is no such thing as one person winning and the other person losing. If you really find the time to think about it, both of you are either going to win together or lose apart. Don't be to prideful to admit when your wrong and continue not accepting the other person's opinions. That only leads to more conversations going no where. Put your pride to the side and keep winning together. Thank you, jdwilliamscoaching Learn More ...

Conquer The Fear

The question is how do you overcome your fear to progress in your life? It's simple, take one step or a leap of faith. When it comes to overcoming fear, that fear is going to be there whether you take that step or not. If you want to progress in your life, you are not going to ignore the fear. You're going to embrace that fear, you going to conquer that fear by believing in GOD more. You're going conquer that fear by believing in yourself more and trusting your judgement. You have the power to control most things in your life. The things you can't control you should pray about it and push forward. Life is full of things that you can be afraid of, but don't let that fear stop you from becoming a better version of yourself. Thank you, jdwilliamscoaching Learn More


When you hear the term beastmode, You have wonder what that word means. The term beastmode means you are putting maximum effort to reach a goal. To be successful in your goals for your life, at some stage in your process, beastmode is going to have to come out. Success in life with any dream or goal will not be handed to you. You have to go after what you want with all your might. You have to want that goal more than you need sleep at some points. To be successful is one thing but to stay successful is something totally different. That same mindset that help you reach your goal has to be that same hungry to push you forward daily. To go beastmode on your goals for your life means you realize that sacrifices are going to have to be made for you to reach the next level. You just have to know at the end of the day that those sacrifices were worth it. Thank you, jdwilliamscoaching Learn More

Faces of Love

Some would say that love can come in many faces when dating and in relationships. When a person tells you that they love you, what does that love look like to them? Some people would say that love is a universal language, but men and women speak love differently. Most women are very expressive when it comes to showing affection, but most men are not in some ways. Some people may show love in the physical form by buying gifts, physical touch, or some other type of action. Some people may show love in an emotional form by expressing how they feel verbally to you frequently. There is also the other forms of what people say is love, but is actually emotional and physical abuse. Those types of situations are not love in any form and that should not be tolerated. Real love should not damage you emotionally or physically and make you feel like you're less than a person. People may say that love has many different faces, but the face you call love should make you feel safe. That love shoul...

Protect and Serve

When you think of the words " to protect and serve" , the first thing that comes to mind is the police. Have you ever thought that to protect and serve could also describe your role in your relationship. To protect your partner, watch their back, investigate when needed and to put violators in check when they cross the line. To serve your partner, to make sure all their needs are met, to care about how they feel at all times, and to consider how your actions will affect them. The words to protect and serve, these days has more than one meaning if you really think about. From a relationship standpoint, your partner puts their trust in you to do the right thing is all interactions throughout your day and come home safely to them at night. Don't be too distracted by everything that's going on in the world today and allow yourself forget to protect and serve at home. Thank you, JDWILLIAMSCOACHING Learn More

The Crisis

2020 has been a year to remember for a lot of reasons and the year is far from over. Between the pandemic and everything else, there is a crisis going on within ourselves. The pandemic didn't only make us rethink our work lives, but our personal lives as well. This crisis has made a lot of people rethink their life and decisions that were made in the past. People are questioning every aspect of their lives from dating, relationships and marriage. Relationships and Marriages are being questioned. At this moment in history, your answers to those questions you're asking yourself will define your path forward. These questions you're asking yourself are normal in times of uncertainty. Sometimes when things are so unclear, we rely on our faith to push us forward. If you are dating at this moment, you have to be more careful than ever before. You have to follow a process, reinvent old processes or create new processes of your own to make sure that person is right for you. If you...

The Process

What is your process for getting to know someone new? Is there one specific blueprint to use to ask all the right questions? Is there a way you can tell if the person is being genuine or not? Do you trust yourself to trust what the person is telling you? Those are all valid questions to ask yourself when you are dating and getting to know someone new. The biggest rule of thumb is asking non - surface level questions and being as specific as possible when asking questions to the other person. Sometimes it's easy to be attracted to different types of people because they are different from what you had before, but different does not always mean better. Trusting your process and being patient with giving too much of yourself out at one time is important. This is super important if you have been hurt in the past and still need time to heal from that. If you are still healing from past relationships, please allow yourself time to get over that baggage before you enter into a new relation...

Your Choice

choice /CHois/ noun an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. When it comes to issues that arise in relationships, ask yourself this question? Who is your choice? Do you choose to believe you are right in the situation? Do you choose to be fair to the other person? Do you choose to hear what the other person is saying? These questions are important to ask yourself when it comes to really resolving issues and truly connecting with your partner. The biggest obstacle to a true connection is pride, being stubborn, being strong willed and always believing your opinion is more valid than the other persons. No one in a relationship wants or needs to feel unheard or unseen. The choice you have to make if you want to sustain a happy, long lasting relationship is choosing each other daily. Choose the other person feelings, value their opinion, respect their thoughts and welcome their presence in your life daily. In my opinion, the true keys to success in...

The Unresolved Truth

In life, we go through some pretty tough things as individuals that effect the way we are in relationships with others. Those things from the past that are unresolved within ourselves can grow into a larger problem. If your issue is trust, for example, that issue can prevent you from trusting yourself and trusting others. If the person that you're with has done nothing to make you feel like you can't trust them, your past trust issues can be seen as unfair. Your current partner can help you work on that issue, but at the end of the day, our individual issues are as said, individual issues. As individuals, we must not wait to resolve issues from the past. With you working on yourself, sometimes your partner will not totally understand what you are going through. That's okay, but don't be too upset at them because it's not really for them to understand. It's up to them to support you in your journey to becoming a better version of yourself. Becoming better helps y...

Why Cheat Part 2

When a person chooses to cheat on their partner, it's either for one or two reasons. They have communicated to you that something specific in the relationship needs to change and no action has been taken after an extended period of time. Usually, this time frame is years not months of repeated conversations about a specific topic of change. The second reason is some people are just selfish and choose not to think about the other person's feelings. It's more so about them and there needs not their partner's feelings. No matter what the reason for this act is, please don't expect to be accepted back with open arms after you have been caught. Cheating is one of those things that rarely come with a second chance to come back to the relationship. If you choose to take a person back, you should really do a self eval to see if that is what's best for you in the long run. When someone cheats, your trust, your heart, your everything is broken by them. That trust doesn...

Know Your Worth

In relationships, knowing your worth has to be in the forefront of all your interactions with your partner. Each person equally respecting each other's differences is key to long term relationship success. Sometimes when individuals love hard in relationships, you tend to lose sight of yourself. Losing one's self is easy to do when your heart is involved more than your head. Knowing that you bring value to the relationship and receiving that validation back is so important for your emotional well-being. Relationships with that one person that makes you feel emotionally safe and physically secure can offer a feeling like none other. An emotional high that can blind you from any red flags that may be occuring around you. That's when knowing your worth comes in to play because realizing your worth will almost guarantee that you will remain respected and that you will always respect yourself. If you love hard in relationships, that is okay. Remember to love yourself first so th...

People Pleaser

Being a person that takes care of others is never a bad thing. However, from a relationship standpoint, it could be either a plus or a minus. The reason I say this is because a person has to have the right partner to reciprocate that feeling in return. There is Not a such thing as one person in the relationship totally cartering to the other unless that is decided before hand. If that turns into the expectation, that means that person wants a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, one person dictates and the other doesn't get much, if any, 'weigh in' on the decision made. When that starts happening, you start feeling like you are being used and not appreciated for the value you provide to the relationship. From a relationship perspective, everyone's opinion is valid and matters. It's called a relationship and you can't sustain a relationship without the other person participating. Otherwise, you could be 'single' for a lack of better word. In that ...


Pushing yourself to have a next level mindset is critical to future success. Having a next level mind set will motivate you when times are good and when times get hard in life. Success does not come easy to anyone, so having a mindset that looks towards the future is beneficial. When you have this mindset, your drive, energy, walk, and talk has to match your mindset. Pushing yourself to be greater than you were yesterday must be a daily montra for yourself. Being consistent with this mindset will not be easy because there are so many different challenges in our lives on a daily basis. You have to create yourself a routine around your new mindset and hold tight to the change you have accomplished so far. If you do that and have faith, nothing can stop you from achieving your life's goals. Thank you JDWilliamsCoaching Learn More

The Test

When your on the road to becoming a better person and really start practicing self improvement, you will be tested. What I mean by tested is that people like your friends, family, co workers and strangers will test your resolve to you changing your life. For the most part, they will not do this on purpose, but it will still happen just the same. After that, the real fun will start, the situations in the world will start testing you. At that moment when you feel like everything and everyone is coming at you all at once, be fearless. You have to believe that you are stronger and more powerful than you know. That stuff you are experiencing is pushing you to your greatness. With faith in God and faith in your process to change your life, you will get there. You are closer to your breakthrough moment than you think.  Thank you  JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting Click link below

Lover and Friend

At the end of the day, every man wants and needs that lover and friend. That person to talk to when times are hard, and that person that will ride, when you need them to. Having that lover and friend in your life gives you a peace of mind that most people would not understand. Every man needs to have that ride or die woman in there life to support them though struggles and successes, whether we admit it or not. What that person provides means more than money, more than statics, more than things, if you have the right person. A lover and friend is that half of yourself that you know you will miss when they are not there. That person that leaves a void that can not be filled by no one else but them. Most men wouldn't admit that the right lover and friend in your life is everything.  Thank you JdwilliamsCoaching Click this link

The Apology

In relationships, there are always plenty of things to apologize for on both sides of the table. No one's wrong doing is greater than the other person because" two wrongs don't make a right". Effectively Apologizing to your partner can mean the difference between a peaceful night sleep in your bed or a horrible night sleep on your couch. To apologize effectively you must first, Sincerely Acknowledge the fact that you did something wrong. Second, Give an explanation for the offense that you did to your partner. Third, Express how incredibly sorry you are for what you did to the other person. What that would look like is you demonstrating/expressing how bad or ashamed you feel for doing that action. This helps your partner understand your mistake. Lastly, You must make amends for the offense that was done by reassuring your partner that the offense will not happen again. At the end of the day, things do happen in a relationship but you have to be honest about fixing iss...

Change and Forgiveness in Relationship's

When it comes to change in a relationship, some people may view the other person changing as impossible. Especially, when there are communication barriers that are going on with in the relationship. I'm here to say that change is possible and you can have what you want out of your relationship if you communicate it. Effective communication isn't a one way street, it's a two way street. It's when one side talks openly, honestly and fairly. The other party listens openly and without judgement. Both parties must take turns hearing each other's needs and than coming up with serious action steps for improvement. Your relationship, as well as, your individual life can be changed if you put in the work, prayer, and be patience. " Knowing that God is the Judge of all, Jesus said if we have anything against anyone, we should forgive(Mark 11:25) - and then never stop forgiving(Matthew 18:22). Bitterness will poison and drain the vitality out of any relationship. So, when...

Self Love

Learning to love yourself in relationships sometimes gets lost in translation. Practicing self love daily keeps you strong and your relationship healthy. Self love should never be considered as being selfish. Everyone deserves a little me time with respect to your partner, of course. Creating an environment where both parties are able to get some self love is greatly needed. If you practice self love daily, you will see that your vibe will start changing, you become more positive, more relaxed, more loving and more willing to open up. Each of us should get to a point were you allow your partner to practice self love because the benefits will satisfy you and them. Grow together and enjoy each other. Thank you JDWilliamsCoaching


Have we ever thought that the reason why most relationships fail is because there are too many obstacles in the way of your love. Those obstacles can come in the form of family, friends, jobs, pets and sometimes kids, etc. We have to remember whenever you start your relationship at some point, it was about you and your partner building a life together. Sometimes along the way it's easy to forget that the other person in your relationship with us is not one of those obstacles. That person is your rock, your help mate, your friend, your lover, and backbone. All these words describe what your partner is to you and your relationship. Sometimes I say in life, its easy to forget that. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of who we have in a partner and friend. They may not be perfect and have their faults but so do you. No one is perfect and everyone of us is a work in progress. So remember to remove those obstacles in your relationship and allow yourself to get to know your partner aga...

Business Development

In business, networking is an essential part of gaining new clients. The other key to a business's success is follow-up after you meet a new potential client. Following-up consistently is the best way for a client to remember who you are and what you do. Emailing or calling are some ways to follow-up with potential clients. If you focus on the quality of your product and the service you provide your customers, your business will grow. Just remember consistency is the fastest way to grow your business.

Dare to Love

In committed relationships or marriage problems tend to arise that sometimes seem small but are really big. Sometimes when you try talking it out with your partner, they may not be open to hearing you at the moment. So what do you do than??? I say you dare to love them. I look at situations that happen from time to time as an opportunity to test your endurance in love and faith. If you are in a committed relationship or married, you are in the relationship for the long run. Daring to love someone though the up's, the down's and anything in between, will only strengthen your union. I challenge you the next time you have a disagreement to use the dare to love approach. If nothing else, you know that you are committed for the long haul and will be patient in the process.   Thank you JDWilliamsCoachingandConsulting

Grown pains

Grown pains happen when you leave that stage of knowing who you are and finding out what you want to be. Now when you start acting different than you would normally act, people are going to automatically assume that something is wrong. To their surprise, something was wrong. It was your mindset that was the problem for you reaching your goals. You changing your mindset and starting to move closer to your goals is scary to people. They think that you're going to leave them behind or they may be jealous that you are changing your mindset. The point is if you figure out that your mindset has to change in order for you to be successful, be proud of that. Even if no one else is happy for you, be happy that you are well on your way to a better you and a happier future. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching