Some would say that love can come in many faces when dating and in relationships. When a person tells you that they love you, what does that love look like to them? Some people would say that love is a universal language, but men and women speak love differently. Most women are very expressive when it comes to showing affection, but most men are not in some ways. Some people may show love in the physical form by buying gifts, physical touch, or some other type of action. Some people may show love in an emotional form by expressing how they feel verbally to you frequently. There is also the other forms of what people say is love, but is actually emotional and physical abuse. Those types of situations are not love in any form and that should not be tolerated. Real love should not damage you emotionally or physically and make you feel like you're less than a person. People may say that love has many different faces, but the face you call love should make you feel safe. That love should make you feel secure in who you are and what you offer to your relationship.
Thank you,
Thank you for your time and support. My husband and I got through a difficult time in our marriage with your help. Because of you I've learned to be a better listener and lover for my spouse. I would recommend your services to any couple or individual going through a rough patch in life and needs some support. Thank you again!! ❤️❤️