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Showing posts from July, 2021

Empowering Me

When it comes to who empowers you to be the best version of yourself, who is your support team? In order to make the moves that you have to make in your life, you need a strong support team. Your support team is there to motivate you, encourage you, listen to you and aid you in your life. They offer you a positive note on your negative days. They offer you sunshine on your most cloudiest of days. Who your support team is adds to your emotional stability and allows you to focus better on your goals. When I talk about a team, you may think you need a group of people, but sometimes a team of one works too. Your support system doesn't need to have a set number, but does need to have support in mind.  Your environment and the people that you surrounded yourself with can have a big impact on your emotional state. So, when it comes to who is empowering you, evaluate your support team. Choose wisely and you will make the right decision! Thank you, JDWILLIAMSCOACHING Learn More   ...

End Of The Road

How do you know when it is the end of the road in a relationship? Is it a feeling you get? Is it something someone tells you? Is it something you tell others? Is it something you continually tell yourself? Whatever form that comes in, you must be sure if that's the right decision for you. All relationships have conflict inside them. There is no 100% perfect relationship, that doesn't exist. You have to determine what you 100% need in the relationship and not just focus on wants. When you want something to be better, sometimes you can want it so bad that you miss what you really need. If two people decide that they want to make things better, it will get better. Being consistent is the way forward for progress to be made. Knowing how to determine if you are close to the end of the road is important. You have an opportunity to either turn around or cross that bridge. Either way, consider your choices, consider yourself, consider your overall feelings, take your accountability and...

Understanding Me

 Sometimes it may feel like you are speaking a different language when it comes to your partner understanding what you really are trying to say. You may shake your head at them and look at them funny because they are staring back at you with a confused look on their face. While you're just standing there wondering why you even said anything in the first place. The reason why you said something is that you want and need to have an open dialogue with your partner. Sometimes when we try to have those types of conversations, we never consider if this is the right time and place to have the conversation. Timing, believe it or not, is everything in communication if you want to get your true message across the communication lines. More misunderstanding happens when we try to force a conversation to happen instead of structuring the more important conversations. Don't get me wrong, some conversations can be had over the phone or even video but never have conversations in text messages....