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Showing posts from November, 2019


This holiday season be thankful for the many blessings that God has provided for you. Sometimes in life we lose sight of the things that really matter in our lives like family and friends. We tend to foucs on jobs and other things that are less important when you look at the big picture of life. It is easy to forget that there are people out there that want what you have and for some people we complain about what you don't have. This holiday season take an account of the many blessings that you have in your life because it could always be worse. Everyone is blessed in there life right now so take a moment today to thank God for what you have and also thank him for what you don't have. Have a great day and a happy holiday. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Enduring Spirit

When you have an enduring spirit nothing can stop you. In life there are things that test you mentally, physically and emotionally everyday. That's when your enduring spirit steps in and pushes you forward. Your enduring spirit comes from God and he knows your heart. In those times where you think you can't go on, pray and push forward. You will find that you have more endurance than you thought. Thank you jdw illiamscoaching  


The term campfire is a saying used when two people meet up to resolution conflicts. Those conflicts could be of a personal or business related matters, just depends on the situation. When you host a campfire, it has to be in a place of comfort for both parties. The biggest thing is that you want to resolve any issues productively. You want to the outcome to be lasting and for most negative feelings to be squashed. Start by stating the issue one at a time, listening to what the other person is saying. Listen with an open mind because if your truly trying to resolve an issue, don't take anything said too personal. Take what is said with a grain of salt and push for the best outcome possible. Remember that you are an adult and are capable of handling anything thrown at you. Don't waste your time with a campfire if you like arguing with people. A campfire is for serious people who want to resolve issues and be a better person. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

In that moment

In that moment between being in love and experiencing lose, there is a space. In that moment between finding a job and losing a job, there is a space. In that moment of your first date and your future proposal, there is a space. In that moment between having that argument and making up, there is a space. That space is your opportunity to decide what your next move will be. If you don't pay attention, that space will close quickly and your opportunity is gone. In that moment, where you have that opportunity to do what you want, take the time to reflect on who you are. Take that moment to also reflect on who you want to be. That person I would say is the better version of yourself. When you look to be that person consistently, doors will start opening for you. Your mood will change and you will start feeling better than ever. In that moment use that space to explore your potential of who you can become. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

The Formula

The Formula is a recipe some people use to maintain a healthy relationship. The word recipe by definition means "a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required." Now when you think of what you do in your relationship to maintain happiness, that is your recipe. No one's recipe for maintaining their relationship is the same and what you do for your partner has to be consistent. In order to create the perfect dish in your relationship, practice consistent behavior daily. The little things in a relationship goes a long way to a perfect dish. I can not tell you the recipe that will work for you, but what I can say is be consistent. Following a winning recipe will lead to a long, happy relationship that is mutually beneficial to both parties.  Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

The Approach

What is your approach to dating someone new? The approach you use sets the stage for how the other person will view you throughout that date. Being too eager or aggressive is never a good idea starting off. Even if the other person is being forward, don't let that stop you from getting to know them. If you are being patient in the process of listening to the other person, they will subconsciously tell you everthing you want to know. Half of getting to know someone new is the approach you use from the start. Having the right approach will eventually lead you to something real with someone. Having the wrong approach will possibly lead you  to a one night stand, no second date and becoming a serial dater. A serial dater is someone who just can not seem to get it right with their dating choices. Try to avoid those pitfalls of dating and use the right approach. Thank you  jdwilliamscoaching

Wife vs. Fantasy

Wife vs. Fantasy is based on the idea that every real man has this idea of what they want there future wife to be. Now this idea could be Fantasy or Wifey, you just have to determine what is true. Some men may want there wife to be a stay at home wife or some men may prefer there wife to work multiple jobs. Some men may want there wife to be some kind of sex machine or some men may require there wife to role play. Whatever your requirements are for your future mate, remember the difference between what is Fantasy vs. Wife. Some women may not be able to or are willing to be this fantasy that is created in the mind. The truth is you can make your relationship whatever you want it to be if you treat the other person right. Respect one another and you will soon find out that your Fantasy vs. Wife is your reality with your wife. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Building a better you

Building a better you is a process and it is not going to happen over night. If this is your goal be consistent in your goal. There are so many things in life that will try to stop you from being better. Daily you will face obstacles that will try to stop you but in those moments being consistent will turn the tide. Focus on your goal of being better in your life. If your goal is becoming more fit, becoming more educated, or whatever your path is be consistent. Though faith and being consistent you will achieve your goal. That saying it's a marathon not a sprint is a true statement. Go forth and build a better you. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Let them hate

There is a reason you have those people in your life that hate seeing you happy. They love to see you fail and celebrate when you do. They offer no encouragement or help in making you feel better. They are just bystanders watching the show. The best advice is to let them hate because as long as you have GOD in your life, you are winning. He will not let you fail for long and your success is closer than you think. When you succeed do not forget who help you and as for your haters. Your success will hurt them more than any words or fist will hurt them. Let them hate and leave the rest to GOD. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


Are you that prototype? That is the question most men who are ready to be committed are asking themselves. These days it is kind of hard to tell because most woman think guys are only looking for that one thing(sex). The real men out there are looking for more than sex, there looking for that prototype. He's looking for that woman who is about her business but can hold the house down. He needs a woman who is not afraid to share her feelings and who will openly listens when he shares his feelings. A woman that gives respect/loyalty and can receive respect/loyalty in return.  He wants a women who knows how to please her man and the man return the favor. Are you that prototype?? Ask yourself that before you consider entering a relationship with a real man that is ready for relationship. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

My Level

Most women and men are looking for someone on their level. That level may be financial, spiritual, physical or mental. Whatever the level you are expecting your mate to be on, most people are looking for one of those. I find if you meet someone that is on your level, the relationship tends to run smoother. Your vibe with them is more authentic and your able to be more open with your thoughts. No matter what level you're on, be patient in the process of meeting someone new. The level a person is on does not define the person, but it does help you determine if that person is right for you. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


Listening is very important in dating and in a relationship. Listening to the other person allows you to hear the things that they are not directly telling you. Listening to the other person is important to find out if there are any issues that have to be addressed or to identify any issues on the horizon. When you are truly listening to the other person, if they're smart they know you are listening. When a person knows you are listening that only increases their interest in talking to you. People tend to share more of themselves if they feel comfortable with you. In dating and in a relationship, making your partner comfortable when talking to you is key to successfully listening. When you do this, the results of listening will be truly amazing. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


Having passion in your relationship is key to building a better connection. Having passion for one another mentality and physically increases your bond. It allows you to have a more deeper, meaningful conversations with one another. The conversations will become effortless and your physical connection will build. Having passion for one another will intensify your ability to please your partner. When communication is consistent with your partner, the passion for one another builds something in your relationship that no one can break. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

A Good Man

There are several definitions of what people think a good man is or should be. To be honest, most woman don't believe that there are any good men left out there. That's really why every year you see the Father's Day displays in stores get smaller and smaller. The whole world has lost hope in those good men out their. I'm here to tell you my definition of what a good man is. A good man will provide for you financially, as well as, emotionally. He will be there in your good days and especially the bad days. He will cater to your physical needs and make sure you are satisfied. He will be committed to only you and see no other women but you. He will love you unconditionally with your flaws and all you are. This is the definition of good man, but the reality is you may not get all these things. You have to decide what your deal breakers are for the person you chose to be with. Once you figure that out, work with your man to help him become the man he is meant to ...

Mr./Mrs. Right

Finding Mr./Mrs. Right has been the dream for so many people for as long as anyone can remember. Finding that person could almost be like winning the lottery or finding a 4 leaf clover. You never know when that day will happen for you or if it ever will. The thing that I have learned about finding this person is to not look for them. This mysterious person will one day find you when you least expect it. The other thing is the person you meet may not be a perfect person and has some flaws. Sometimes your flaws and their flaws work together. Sometimes they don't work but being patient in the process of getting to know someone is key. To be honest, I don't think there is a such person as Mr./Mrs. Right. I believe that you will one day meet the right person for you. When you do meet them, you will accept their flaws and all they are. The beautiful thing about that is they will also accept your flaws and all you are. That is Mr./Mrs. Right for you. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching


Many people define success in different ways. To some it could be the amount of money you have, the amount of material items you have or just your status in life. Success could also look like meeting the person you have chosen to spend your life with. No matter what success in life looks like to you, remember anything worth having is going to require efford. The more efford you put into your life, career or relationship the better results you will gain from it. Success in life takes alot of time, patience and consistent efford to achieve. But once you reach your goal, be thankful for the journey and enjoy what comes next for you. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Love yourself

Love yourself more than others love you is a true statement. Loving yourself first allows you the ability to love others freely. What I mean by that is that you can't ever make someone else happy if your not happy. Doing things that make you happy daily or weekly is a key to your overall well-being. Loving yourself doesn't mean that you are being selfish about loving someone else. It just means that you are doing everything you can to grow your love and better yourself. Love yourself first and you will see that your life will be better because of it. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching

Knowing what you want

Knowing what you want in a potential mate is different for everybody. Knowing that thing that your looking for in a mate is very important. When dating life is simple, you see something you like in a person and you explore what that feeling is. If you don't like what you find, you don't have to deal with it. When you're looking for a life mate that comes in the stages dating,proposal and marriage. How you handle those stages has a direct effect on how your life will be with that person. The first stage is critical to finding out if that person is right for you. If you like a person right away, that's a sign that you see potential in this person being more than just a friend for you. The key is patience and listening. If you support them and are supported by them in the beginning, that builds a foundation for the future. Remember, the key is being consistent in your action by both parties. It is easy to be consistent in the beginning but harder to keep it going if you...

When things go wrong

When things go wrong in your life some people find it hard not to complain about there situation. Talking to someone is the quickest way to voice your opinion but why complain is the question. Complaining about a situation that has happened in your life doesn't slove the situation that has went wrong. Complaining about the situation doesn't help you feel better because once your done the situation may still be present. Turn your complaint or frustration into motivation to slove the issue at hand. If you're unhappy with your job, work towards getting a better job. If you're unhappy about your relationship, work towards fixing you're relationship. Whatever your issue is in life, if you can change the situation, change it. If you can't change it, pray about it and move forward. Most sitituations in life don't get better unless you work towards them getting better. Always put in your work first and let God do the rest. Thank you jdwilliamscoaching